Pilin Thai

116 W Broad St
Falls Church, VA 22046



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April 25th, 2010

We ordered for delivery from pilin thai. the order taker was very helpful and courteous. As was the delivery person. The food was not as nice as we expected. We had been to thailand (bangkok) many many times and enjoyed the food there so much that we expected Pilin thai to measure up. It was disappointing. I suppose the food is regional. It was rather expensive costing nearly $50 for a meal for just two people. The food we ordered were not the most expensive on the menu either. The portions were smaller than expected. Overall, I would not buy from them again as the food did not make a lasting impression on us. The staff are very nice and courteous and I have nothing against the restaurant.

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October 6th, 2005

I love this restaurant. The food is exeptional and although I am not from Thailand myself, I believe is the closest you'll get to authentic Thai food.

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