Michael's Thai

16927 NW 67TH Ave
Hialeah, FL 33015



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February 23rd, 2011

Michael’s Thai Restaurant is a complete disaster. I strongly suggest for anyone that is considering in dining out or ordering from Michael’s Thai seriously reconsiders. For starters the menu prices are above and beyond a disgrace and over priced. The amount that is being charged for the food you would think that you are experiencing a delicacy but in fact the food is simply cheap quality and poor presentation. I am extremely upset with the service and the food. You can easily receive better food for a much reasonable price at P.F Changs.

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January 10th, 2011

I love Michael's Thai!!! I've been going there on and off for about 8 years. The food is out of this world and the service is always great. They always remember me and my girlfriend's orders exactly how we like it. You have to try their peanut sauce, I love to pour it all over my rice. I would definately refer this place to family and friends.

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