Thep Phanom

900 Waller St
San Francisco, CA 94117



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July 17th, 2005

I make excuses to travel to San Fransisco so I can visit Thep Phanom for dinner. It is the best Thai food I have had in North America though the menu is getting a little hit and miss these days. At its worst their dishes are merely good, at their best they are extraordinary. Recommened dishes: appetizer- chicken and corn fried bundles, Mains: Duck with honey sauce "Thai Beef"- it is beef with crispy basil and green beens Quail It is VERY busy and parking is nuts. Go early and go often.

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June 28th, 2005

This is the best Thai food that I have ever had, hands down. I went with my parents, who had just come back from visiting Thailand, and even they said that it compared favorably to the best dishes that they had in the Far East. I highly recommend this place, but be sure to make a reservation and arrive early because it is extremely hard to park in this neighborhood.

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