Flavor Thai

4768 Convoy St
San Diego, CA 92111



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May 14th, 2011

The guy in the previous post says the food is good, but he had a bad service experience. Eventhough, he will still recommend to his friends, but he won't eat there again himself!???? Confusing

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October 5th, 2010

Excellent food, Excellent Servers and Service...Keep going and Thanks.

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August 12th, 2010

I went here a few time. Every time the food and service was good. But last time < 11/07> The service was so so bad < only one lady, I guess she is the owner> She was not nice at all. I do not think I will come back.

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April 24th, 2008

People are human. Give this person a break. The food is excellent, and the people who run the business treat their customers very well. But, as you feel differently, try going back, and ask them how to speak a few words of Thai, such as "hello." You will see the charm of someone who cares - & isn't too fast to take off.

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February 16th, 2008

Just finish eating at that restaurant (4/21/06 - 8.30-9pm). The food is good but the service.....what happen is, I paid with credit card and leave the merchant copy inside. When I'm about to leave (already inside the car), my wife stop me and said that the waiter running toward us. She look so angry and said "where is the receipt!!! I can't find it!!! It is not inside!!!" I said to her" I leave in there. The copy that I have is customer copy". She said "Let me see that, I still can charge from here!" Then she took my customer copy proof of payment with her, and later on another waiter return the customer copy of receipt to me with joking attitude, and said that she (the first waiter) find the merchant copy receipt. She (the waiter...I guess she is the owner) didn't even come out to apologize or say sorry for embarassing me in front of my wife and other customers and I don't like the way she treat me like I'm gonna run away without paying!! Instead, treat your customer right and at least said" excuse me sir, just wondering if you happen to take our copy of the receipt?" For the food, yes, it's good, but I'm not gonna comeback after they treat me exceptionally NICE! For sure I'll recommend this restaurant's high class service to everyone that I know!!!

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