Swaddee Thai
1001 C Ave ReviewsKawch Moonchar
May 26th, 2012
May 5th, 2012
The menu price is not the bill price...we questioned the server about this and she said the owner changed the menu prices some time ago but refuses to update the menu. The server said she could not correct the bill or the difference would be taken out of her pay. The owner was not in the restaurant for us to speak to. Felt cheated and will never return Tyler Jordan
August 3rd, 2011
July 13th, 2009
Colonel Glen T. Noyes, Ret.
January 17th, 2005
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I love this place. I work in Coronado and go here for lunch now and then. The Larb is out of this world as well as Gang Dang. Don't order it too spicy though srsly 6 will do.