Que Viet Village House
6100 Brooklyn Blvd ReviewsMing Tan
August 26th, 2007
Tim Horan
October 5th, 2005
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QueViet is always my favorite restaurant until today. My wife, my 3 year old and I were there for lunch, had some leftover and the male server offered to box it for us. For some reason, I decided to watch the entire boxing process (and I was less than 5 feet away from where him). I could tell he was looking for a clean utensil to transfer the food into a box and there weren’t any in the area. So he did the absolute unthinkable, he picked up a spoon from the dirty dishes bucket and proceeded with the food transfer process. I confronted him and he said “No! No! The spoon is clean.” “No” is the correct word – it means no more QueViet for me.