Orrapin Thai Cuisine

10 Boston St
Seattle, WA 98109



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July 13th, 2011

The food is not bad. I went there 3 times. The first time, I ordered the same thing as my friend. She paid her part and the tip (my friend gave $12 for $8.95 dish). She told the waitress to charge 10 bucks on my card. I was charged $12. Then I went there to ask the waitress, got $2 back. Then I went there again with about 12 friends. Everyone order $7.95 dish. Some friends left $10, then 6 people paid by credit card. They charged $11.66 for each. Shouldn't they just charge the money by deducting the moeny we paid and let us decide the tip? Will never go back. If you go there, please pay attention to your bill!

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October 7th, 2007

I had a wonderful meal. The food was extremely savory and the prices are very affordable. I will definitely be back for more!!

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