Thai Orchid

2591 N 1st St
San Jose, CA 95131



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June 8th, 2005

I have been your faintful customer for the last 4 years. I just ordered a late lunch meal from your restaurant today at 4pm. I think it is absurd that I called in my order for Garlic Shrimp, rice and salad. When I showed up, one of your clerk hands me the container of garlic shrimp. I asked him to add in the rice. I couldn't believe he charged me $13.48 for just the shrimp and rice. I have ordered my dinner to go from the past 4 years. He told me that what I have ordered from the past is from the lunch menu. I told him that I have ordered the same dish for the last 4 years and nobody ever gave me just the shrimp container. If you are going to charge me around $14.00 for this meal. You should add in the salad. Don't you realize majority of your customers are corporate professionals like myself just want a good meal and a friendly service and your business happens to be nearby?

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