Lemon Grass Thai


7 S Main St
West Hartford, CT 06107



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February 27th, 2012

The only thing good about this place was that the staff was nice. It was clean but the place is incredibly pink and filled with tacky fake plants - not any place I'd like to go for a date, to bring my family, or hang out with friends. I had hoped the food would be better than the atmosphere, but the ambiance should have said it all. Plus for a Saturday night, the place was virtually empty. Dinner plates were between $10 and $14 unless you have something vegetarian. The chicken tasted like it was cooked the night before, sat in a pot all day, and then put in the microwave. About half my dish was onions and my rice came out cold. The curry itself tasted fine but it didn't make up for the reheated chicken, frozen carrots, hard sweet potatoes and excess onions. I have hardly ever send a dish back but I just couldn't force this one down. I would expect a restaurant like this to be in the middle of nowhere, not West Hartford. With so many other great options in the area, I would take my money somewhere else. This place is definitely a miss.

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