Pink Pepper

1638 N La Brea Ave
Hollywood, CA 90028



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July 15th, 2012

Let's start with we were told after being screwed over "NO MANAGER ON DUTY"?!! If you have business and you're ordering for your staff BEWARE! These people do not care if they screw up your order or entire meal. They shorted us on our order, while half the food got cold they insisted we wait for the rest of order and pay more, then refused to give a refund on the food we were not going to eat. We asked to speak to a manager and they told us one was not on duty! First a waitress who spoke little English advised us that she was the only person to tal too then rudely hung up stating she had "a table she needed to get too". Next call landed us with the person who claimed to be the delivery driver. He also could barely communicate. Back to the horrid experience... The food was already cold let alone wait for more to make it a full meal and when we asked to get it refunded they refused! THEY RIPPED US OFF! My whole staffed starved while I re-ordered from another (and better) Thai restaurant and paid once again for a new meal... but at least they got a hot plate from somewhere else! Once again: DELIVERED WRONG ORDER REFUSED TO HANDLE THE SITUATION REFUSED RETURN OF FOOD FOR REFUND TOLD NO MANAGER ONSITE COLD FOOD BAD SERVICE RUDE STAFF BARELY ENGLISH SPEAKING The list goes on but BEWARE, this restaurant can RUIN your meal plans and will not care they did. That's just terrible to do.

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