Bangkok Cuisine INC

727 N Main St
Rochester, MI 48307



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May 24th, 2010

a similar situation happened to me. i was very displeased with the service and i didnt feel like the waitress deserved a tip so i didnt leave one. as i was driving away, she ran after my car and banged on my window asking for a tip. i yelled at her and drove away.

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August 19th, 2008

I lived in Thailand for a few months, and this is my favorite Thai restaurant in the states. The food is as close to authentic as I've had. All the workers are from Thailand of Burma. Everything we've tried there has been great.

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November 26th, 2007

This place was the worst place that I've ever been to have Thai food. The service was terrible and the food wasnt any better. We felt rushed and unappreciated. We felt like we couldnt communicate with our waitress and we watched her and she was like that with all her customers. Not smiliing or listening when we were requesting items. She was so rude we decided not to leave a tip at all and that never happens. it was $29.45 so we left $30. She came outside thru the restaurant back kitchen door and stated "We dont want your change. We were upset and told her to keep, she began to get into a cussing match with my girlfriend before she went back into the kitchen talking with other co-workers. That place was so unprofessional, I wouldnt send a dying dog to eat there.

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